Welcome to the blog

As you can see, the website has had a complete makeover as part of the process of moving all of my websites over to WordPress. This website has also become my new HQ. It brings all the operational, accounting, order processing, affiliate program and customer support functions into a new central location. This will make it so much easier to manage a growing and diverse range of websites and services. 

All product groups, memberships and subscription services will also be managed from here. This will give you, my customers, a central point of contact and a central help and support area. You will also be able to access your purchase history and downloads in one place. 

Although the ‘shop front’ is based on WordPress, the site has some pretty impressive new software managing the back office from where I shall manage my growing ‘Web Real Estate’. For those of you planning to take a similar approach to your own online business, I’ll keep you informed on the progress and performance of all the new changes, both visible and hidden ‘around the back’, through this blog.

Thanks for visiting and I look forward to seeing you back here again soon.
