I first discovered WordPress a few years ago around version 1.5 (as I write this we’re into V2.8), when it was mainly just a good blogging platform. I preferred it to the predominant blog engine at the time (blogger.com) because it gave me more freedom to control and manage my own blog.
Since then it has evolved out of all proportion to its humble beginings to become a first class website building and content management tool. It gives me total control over both content and ‘look & feel’ and provides many powerful add-on tools known as ‘plugins’ to enhance its operation and search engine ‘friendliness’.
The WordPress use of themes makes creating and modifying the website design a breeze even for the most inexperienced website builder whilst adding and updating your own content is as simple as using a word processor. This means no-one needs to be totally dependant on a web designer to make simple changes or updates to their pages.
It also means that a small business owner with a modicum of computer skill can have a complete website up and running in as little as a few hours. Best of all I like the cost …. FREE! After all free is the beginning of freedom, freedom from reliance on others to build and maintain your main marketing tool.
In this series I’m going to talk about my experience with WordPress and show why I have been steadily converting all my web real estate to this format.